Thursday, July 14, 2016


By 11 AM the sun is shining and the Fleming’s backyard is beginning to fill with kids from around the block. Boys and girls can be seen running around having a blast. Two kids are taking turns on the zip line, yelling out cries of laughter and fear as they speed through the backyard. Others can be seen diving off the diving board, sliding down the slide and making waves in the pool. A few neighborhood moms have also joined the party and are lying out by the pool relaxing. By noon the kids take a break from the fun and Kelly Fleming, owner of the house and mother to 12-year-old Jacob Fleming, comes out to give her son and his friends a snack. She made her signature “favorite dip” that the kids always love. They quickly demolish the yummy treat and get back to their play. Kelly Fleming then joins the other moms by the pool to continue their summer day of fun. Let’s hope for another sunny day tomorrow!

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